Short:    AmigaGuide to *ALL* Amiga CD-ROMs! v1.6
Author: (Anders Bakkevold) 
Type:     docs/hyper

This is version 1.6 of the "Amiga CD-ROM Guide". 
It was last updated on June 21st, 1996.

ACDG is a huge database which gives information on almost every
CD-ROM that works with the Amiga range of computers. It doesn't
include the commercial CD32/CDTV games.
  It is in the easy-to-use Amigaguide format, and information can 
easily be accessed through many nodes with different sorting 
methods. For example: Click on "Raytracing" and get a list of
CD-ROMs that would be of interest to Raytrace enthusiasts.
  You can also read reviews from CU-Amiga etc on a CD-ROM, if
available.  Amiga CD-ROM Guide is freeware.

If you wonder if a CD-ROM is worth buying, or what CD-ROM you should
buy, you'll find the answer here.

This version contains  354  Amiga CD-ROMs:

17BIT Collection         
17BIT Continuation       
17BIT Phase 4            
17BIT The Fifth Dimention
2000 Mysteries           
3D Arena                 
3D Objects               
A Bun for Barney         
Adult Sensations         
Adult Sensations 2       
Advanced Military Systems
AGA Experience Vol 1     
AGA Experience Vol 2     
All Dogs Go To Heaven    
American Vista Atlas     
Amiga Animations         
Amiga Developer CD v1.1  
Amiga FD Inside          
Amiga Grafik 1           
Amiga Grafik 2           
Amiga Grafik 3           
Amiga Grafik 4           
Amiga Magazin CD Vol 2   
Amiga Magazin CD 10/95   
Amiga Magazin CD 1/96    
Amiga Magazin CD 3/96    
Amiga Magazin CD PD 1    
Amiga Story 1985-1987    
Amiga Tools              
Amiga Tools 2            
Amiga Utilities 2        
AmigaPlus CD Vol 1       
AmigaPlus CD 1/96        
AmigaPlus CD 2/95        
AmigaPlus CD 2/96        
Aminet 1                 
Aminet 3                 
Aminet 4                 
Aminet 5                 
Aminet 6                 
Aminet 7                 
Aminet 8                 
Aminet 9                 
Aminet 10                
Aminet 11                
Aminet 12                
Aminet Feb 94            
Aminet Set 1             
Aminet Set 2             
AMUC 2&3                 
AMUC CD 1                
AMUC CD 4                
AMOS PD                  
Amos PD Release 2        
Animations Double CD     
Animazing 2              
Arcade Classics          
Arcade Classics Plus     
Arktis-Edition Vol 1     
Artworx CD               
Assassins Games          
Assassins Games No.2     
Auge4000 / Cactus        
BCI Net                  
BCI NET 2                
Berliner Spielekiste     
Best Of Computergraphics 
Between the Lines        
CAM Collection           
CBM 64 Sensations        
CD Exchange vol. 1       
CD32 Gamer Issue 1       
CD32 Gamer Issue 2       
CD32 Gamer Issue 3       
CD32 Gamer Issue 4       
CD32 Gamer Issue 5       
CD32 Gamer Issue 6       
CD32 Gamer Issue 8       
CD32 Gamer Issue 9       
CD32 Gamer Issue 10      
CDPD I                   
CDPD II                  
CDPD III                 
CDPD IV                  
World Atlas              
Clipart CD               
Clipart & Fonts CD       
Club Toaster             
Compendium Deluxe Vol 1  
Compendium Deluxe Vol 2  
Compendium Deluxe Vol 3  
CU-Amiga Mega I          
CU-Amiga Mega II         
Da Capo                  
Danish Girls Exclusive   
Datamix 1                
dataTAX Forms            
Demo CD 1                
DEMO CD 2                
Demo Collection          
Demo Collection 2        
Demos are forever        
Demos & Tools 1          
Desktop Video            
Desktop Pub.'s Dream 2   
Deutsche Edition 1       
Deutsche Edition 2       
Digital Orchestra        
Do It!                   
E.S. CD Archive          
East Asian               
EMC Index CD             
EMC Phase 1              
EMC Phase 2              
EMC Phase 3              
EMC Phase 4              
Emulators Unlimited      
Essential Utilities      
Euroscene 2              
Express PD galore        
F1 Licenceware Volume 1  
Fish & More 1            
Fish & More 2            
Fish & More 3            
Fonts CD                 
Fractal Frency           
Fractal Universe         
FractalPro Image Lib 1   
Fred Fish Collection 1.1 
Fred Fish Collection 1.6 
Fred Fish Collection 1.7 
Fresh Fish 1             
Fresh Fish 2             
Fresh Fish 3             
Fresh Fish 4             
Fresh Fish 5             
Fresh Fish 6             
Fresh Fish 7             
Fresh Fish 8             
Fresh Fish 9             
FreshFish 10             
Freshfonts 2             
FrozenFish Aug 95        
Gamers' Delight          
Gamers' Delight 2        
Games & Goodies          
Get Started              
GFX Sensations           
GIF Gallery              
GIF Senation             
GIFs Galore              
GIGA Graphics CDs 1-4    
Giga PD 3.0              
Giga PD Update 1         
Giga PD Update 2         
Giga PD v2.0             
Giga PD v2.1             
Giga PD v2.2             
Gigantic Games           
Gigantic Games 2         
Glamour Girls            
Golden Power Volume 1.1  
Golden Power Volume 1.2  
Goldfish 1               
Goldfish 2               
Goldfish 3               
Graphics 1               
Groliers Encyclopedia    
Groliers Encyclopedia 2  
Heroic Age of SpaceFlight
Home Beer Brewing        
Horror Sensation         
Hottest 4                
Hottest 5                
Hottest 6                
Hottest Amiga Demos      
Hutchkinsons Encylopedia 
Illusions 3D             
Imagine 3 Enhancer       
Imagine CD               
Insight: Dinosaurs       
Insight: Technology      
Internet Info            
Internet Info Vol 2      
Japan World              
Klondike Gold            
Lechner Collection       
LIGHT-ROM 2              
LIGHT-ROM 3              
Lightwave 3D Enhancer    
Lock'n'Load 2            
Lottery Predictors       
Lucky Dip                
Lucky Dip 2              
Magic Illusions          
Magic Publisher 4 CD set 
Magic Workbench Enhancer 
Magna Media              
Makin Musik              
Mathematik Leicht Gemacht
Maximum Mods #1          
MaxonRAYTRACE Pro        
Mediashare 11            
Mediashare 8             
Meeting Pearls I         
Meeting Pearls II        
Meeting Pearls III       
Mega Bundle One          
Mega Bundle Three        
Mega Bundle Two          
Megahits 1               
Megahits 2               
Megahits 3               
Megahits 4               
Megahits 5               
Megahits 6               
Megahits 7               
Movie Maker 1: Special FX
MODS Anthology           
Multimedia CD Coverdisc  
Multimedia Mania         
Multimedia Toolkit 2     
Multimedia Toolkit CD    
Music Maker              
Music mod & Sound Effect 
My Paint                 
N.T.W.I.C.G. 2           
Netnews Offline 1        
Network CD               
Network CD 2             
Nexus Pro                
Nothing But GIFs AGA     
Nothing But Tetris       
Octamed 6 CD             
Olsens Opal              
Online Library Vol 1     
Pandora's CD             
Personal Suite           
Photo Lite               
PhotoworX Professional   
Power Games              
Power On                 
Pro Backdrops & Icons  2 
Pro WB Backdrop Coll.    
Prof. Fonts & Clipart    
Project Gutenberg        
ProPics #1               
Publisher's Companion    
QRZ! Ham Radio CD-ROM    
Raytracing 1             
Raytracing 2             
RHS Colour Collection    
RHS DTP Collection       
RHS Erotic Collection    
SAAR & AMOC              
SAAR & AMOC 2            
Scene Storm              
Scenic Views             
Scorched Tanks Deluxe    
Sentimental Wings        
Sex CD-ROM no.1          
Sex CD-ROM no.2          
Sex CD-ROM no.3          
Sexual Fantasies         
Sexy Sensations          
SFX Volume 1             
SFX Volume 2             
Sheer Delight            
Shuttle Encyclopedia     
Software 2000            
Sound Site CD-ROM        
Sounds Terrific          
Source Code              
Space & Astronomy        
Speccy Sensations 2      
Spectrum Emulator CD     
Spectrum Sensations      
Startrek Multimedia CD   
Startrek Multimedia Gold 
SuperAUTOS 94/95         
Syndenis 3D-ROM          
Ten on Ten               
Texture Gallery          
Texture Heaven 2         
Texture Portfolio        
The Blanker Collection   
The Beauty Of Chaos      
The C User's Group       
The Colour Library       
The EPIC Collection      
The EPIC MM Encyclopedia 
The FMV CD               
The Global Amiga Exper.  
The Kara Collection      
The Light Works          
The New B. Elec. Cookbook
The Prof. GIFs CD        
The Prof. IFF & PCX CD   
The Prof. IFF & PCX CD II
The Sound Library        
Time Table of History    
Top 100 Games            
Town of Tunes            
Travel Adventure         
TrueColourCollection 1   
TurboCalc 2.1            
Ultimate Mod Collection  
Ultimedia 1&2            
UPD Gold                 
Utilities 1-1500         
Utilities Experience     
Welcome to Africa        
Women In Motion          
Workbench Add-On         
World Info '95           
World Of Amiga           
World Of Clipart         
World Of Pinups          
World Of Sound           
World Of Video           
World Vista Atlas        
X Philes                 
XiPaint 3.2              
XiPaint v4.0             
Your Privacy Assured     
Zoom 1.5                 
Zoom 2                   


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